
2015-01-18 10.05.01Here is a bit about me and my love of reading.

I grew up in small midwestern towns in the state of Kansas. Throughout my childhood when I was in trouble my parents would ground me from reading. Now, before you judge them for this, I must confess that I did read A LOT. This habit kept me from doing many of the things I should do, like chores, and obeying my parent’s instructions. Also, it really was one of the few things they could take away from me that was a punishment (I often hid books in the towel cabinet in the bathroom so I could get a chapter in on ‘bathroom breaks’). They did not use this same tack with my brother and sister who were very different from me and had to be grounded from…other things.

I was a good student. I won’t claim to be a straight A student through high school; I did enjoy a social life enough that grades weren’t my first priority. But I did well. I was a library aid in high school, loved forensics, and English was always my favorite subject.

College led to an English major, and in my junior year I decided to pick up a teaching license so that I could get a job more easily right after graduation. I ended up using that license and taught English, speech, and coached forensics in a Jr/Sr High School.

After I married (a wonderful man…who also likes reading) and started a family I left teaching full-time to stay home and finish my masters. I now have two beautiful boys who have reintroduced me to the beauty of picture books and children’s stories.

I am a stay-at-home mom, but I do teach an adult ESL class at our local community college a couple of nights a week. It is a busy life, but I still carve a big chunk out for reading.

As many readers do, I’ve gone through different seasons of reading. There was a time in life when I read mostly romance, or mystery, or thrillers. As I’ve gotten older my tastes have matured and changed. I am quite eclectic in my choices now. Also, I’ve begun to enjoy nonfiction genres a great deal more than I ever did in youth. All of this reading background and experience I bring to bear here. I hope that we can share our love and experience in reading together, and find a way to connect and grow.

One more thing…I am not a reviewer.  When I write about books, I am simply talking about them. Sure, I will tell you whether I liked them or not, but I don’t approach writing about them the way a reviewer would. I am a book talker.

R. J. Koehn

17 thoughts on “About”

  1. I love your header photo. Great blog. Emma.

  2. Hi R.J.
    I am on the 101 course too… You have an inspiring blog. I used to write poetry , and was a folk singer song writer once . I am one of those people who have far too much going on so I have to be selective ,not something I find easy. I am half way through making lunch and my husband comes in and says who’ s R.J. … He wouldn’t understand!
    I am an ex primary school teacher and I had a passion for teaching reading. I am not an avid reader but I often wish I had time to write more.

    I hope you find your 101 direction too!

    • Thank you. It is always nice to meet a fellow teacher. I completely understand having too much going on. Being selective is something I struggle with a lot as well. You will do great with blogging. I’ve discovered it really is a good way to build discipline with writing regularly.

  3. Pleased to meet you. I always love seeing book reviews.

  4. I like that – ‘book talker’. I do the same but I didn’t know what to call it. Thank you for that. you have a lovely blog. 🙂

  5. Great “about” page. I really like it. And I like your writing ‘voice’. Very natural.

  6. I love your blog. Reading is one thing that keeps me sane. I even started listening to audio books on my ride to work in the morning to avoid road rage, haha!

  7. Hello RJ! I’ve decided to read and follow 15 interesting and new blogs a day every day for the first month of 2015, and yours is today’s #1! Feel free to come visit me when you can at http://www.thatssojacob.wordpress.com, and follow if you like what you read. Happy new year and happy blogging!

  8. Reading is definitely one of the best wellness activity. All the best. Keep writing too..

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